Frequently Asked Questions

What does “keratin bond” mean?

In 1992, Great Lengths International created and patented the “Synthesized Keratin Protein Polymer” bond for the application of hair extensions. In short, the GLI bond's molecular structure mimics that of human hair so that it possesses the same characteristics of human hair.

How much does it cost to get Great Lengths?

Great Lengths Service cost can vary greatly from client to client because each is truly a custom service. There are also many GL application options to be considered, such as lengthening, full volumizing, zonal volumizing, dimensional color work or special needs applications. For the most accurate answer, based upon the state of your natural hair and desired result, schedule a consultation with a Great Lengths Certified Stylist.

How long does it last?

For premium bonded extensions, we recommend removal every 3 to 5 months, depending upon the type of application performed (i.e. lengthening, volumizing, etc.). For GL Apps tape-in extensions, we recommend removal every 4 to 6 weeks. Both removal timeframes are dependent upon the state/condition of the client's natural hair and their lifestyle.


We recommend making a braid or pigtail to avoid tangles when sleeping.


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